largest immigrant groups by state

Cubans are among the top five foreign-born groups in the South . In cases where the respondent identifies with multiple states, both states are counted as a home state. 2023 Carnegie Endowment for International Peace. Immigrant Population by State and County This map displays the geographic distribution of immigrants in the United States by country of origin. A quarter said legal immigration to the U.S. should be decreased (24%), while one-third (38%) said immigration should be kept at its present level and almost another third (32%) said immigration should be increased. According to data from the 2018 American Community Survey (ACS)which is conducted by the U.S. Census Bureauthere are 4.2 million people of Indian origin residing in the United States. Overall, Hindi is the most common mother tongue (19 percent), followed by Gujarati (14 percent), English only (10 percent), and Telugu (10 percent)the latter is the primary language of the southern states of Andhra Pradesh and Telangana.22 Eight percent of respondents report Tamil as their mother tongue, while 7 percent apiece report Punjabi or Bengali. Although Indian American is a contested category, the survey attempts to understand how respondents perceive the push and pull between different aspects of their identity. The immigrant population in the United States is extraordinarily diverse, with immigrants hailing from almost every nation. Seventy-six percent believe there is a similar degree of discrimination against Hispanic people, while 71 percent say the same about discrimination against people of Asian origin.47. Other regions contributing smaller percentages of immigrants included the Middle East and North Africa (4%), sub-Saharan Africa (5%), South America (7%), Central America (8%), the Caribbean (10%), and as well as Europe, Canada and other North America (13%). That means just less than half of all respondents believe that Indian Americans face a greater degree of discrimination than at least one other minority group. Much larger shares believe that other minority groups face greater discrimination than Indian Americans, including Latino Americans (90 percent), LGBTQ Americans (89 percent), African Americans (86 percent), and women (86 percent). The survey instrument contains 157 questions organized across six modules: basic demographics; immigration, citizenship, and family background; presidential campaigns and voting; U.S. politics and foreign policy; culture and social behavior; and Indian politics. Seventy percent state that they strongly or somewhat agree with the statement. Note: This is an update of a post originally published May 3, 2017, and written by Gustavo Lpez, a former research analyst focusing on Hispanics, immigration and demographics; and Kristen Bialik, a former research assistant. RE: Indian Americans are now the second largest immigrant group in the US: With Due respect to All especially Asian Americans in this article, when many first generation Desi-Indians immigrated, the starting salary level for fresh undergraduates varied from USD $ 7000/ to 10000/ depending from state to state, and now the starting salary range between USD $ 60,000/ to may be 80,000/-. One-quarter of all respondents self-identify as Indian while 7 percent choose the term Asian Indian.. The states with the largest immigrant populations are California, New York, Florida, and Texas. This is possibly a reflection of Indias current political climate. Twenty-four percent of Indian Americans report seldom or never praying. Motivated by their emotional ties to India, as well as their rights and responsibilities as American citizens, Indian Americans have pushed the U.S. government to mount a large-scale humanitarian response.54. Nearly half of all Muslims (48 percent) say they attend religious services regularly as well. This is a genuine puzzle. 8 See, inter alia, Thenmozhi Soundararajan, A New Lawsuit Shines a Light on Caste Discrimination in the U.S. and Around the World, Washington Post, July 13, 2020,; and Yashica Dutt, The Specter of Caste in Silicon Valley, New York Times, July 14, 2020, There are a host of plausible reasons why U.S.-born Indian Americans might report greater discrimination, including differences in social norms, greater awareness of discriminatory practices, or less fear of retaliation.48. As one might expect, the composition of respondents social networks varies by their birthplace. CORRECTION (Sept. 21, 2020): An update to the methodology used to tabulate figures in the chartAmong new immigrant arrivals, Asians outnumber Hispanicshas changed all figures from 2001 and 2012. Clear differences along religious lines are evident in the responses to the question on the frequency of prayer (see figure 9). 34 Badrinathan, Kapur, and Vaishnav, How Do Indian Americans View India?, 2022. Forty percent of Hindus say they pray once or several times a daysubstantially less than the 58 percent of Muslims or 66 percent of Christians who answer similarly. Twenty-nine percent of respondents report that most or all of their friends are from the same region of India. May 3, 2016. 24 Christine Tamir, Aidan Connaughton, and Ariana Monique Salazar, The Global God Divide, Pew Research Center, July 20, 2020, Since 1965, when U.S. immigration laws replaced a national quota system, the number of immigrants living in the U.S. has more than quadrupled. In 2020, the United States granted 707,362 people lawful permanent resident status, a significant drop from the usual average of more than a million. By race and ethnicity, more Asian immigrants than Hispanic immigrants have arrived in the U.S. in most years since 2009. Indian Americans who are born in the United States are more likely to identify as Indian American (48 to 40 percent) and markedly less likely to identify as Indian (just 11 percent compared to 33 percent of foreign-born Indian Americans). Four percent have completed at least a junior college (two-year program) education, while 9 percent have completed some college. In 2018, the top country of origin for new immigrants coming into the U.S. was China, with 149,000 people, followed by India (129,000), Mexico (120,000) and the Philippines (46,000). In about one-fifth of instances, both Indians and non-Indians were perceived to be jointly responsible. Forty-eight percent of respondents report that most or all of their Indian friends share their religious faith, while another 36 percent report that some of their friends are coreligionists. Of that segment that was educated abroad, 42 percent arrived in the United States with an undergraduate degree and another 38 percent had completed a graduate or professional degree before their arrival. However, Mexican lawful immigrants have the lowest naturalization rate overall. The decline in the unauthorized immigrant population is due largely to a fall in the number from Mexico the single largest group of unauthorized immigrants in the U.S. The data for this study are based on an original online surveythe IAASof 1,200 Indian American U.S. residents conducted by YouGov between September 1 and September 20, 2020. Why Are Hate Crime Charges So Rare?, New York Times, March 18, 2021, Sampling weights were then post-stratified on 2016 presidential vote choice, as well as a three-way stratification of gender, age (four categories), and education (four categories), to produce the final weight. As the figure demonstrates, religion leads the way59 percent of Indian Americans believe it is responsible for creating internal divisions in the community. Among all refugees admitted in fiscal year 2019, 4,900 are Muslims (16%) and 23,800 are Christians (79%). Between 2007 and 2017, this group decreased by 2 million. Given the degree of partisan polarization present in U.S. politics, the survey examines how much this polarization is present within the Indian American community as well. The United States is home to the largest number of immigrants a person who comes to a country to take up permanent residence (whether lawfully or unlawfully) on the planet. However, the results point in the opposite direction. But religion only narrowly edges out the role of Indias political leadership (56 percent) for the top spot, and political parties (47 percent) are not far behind. Of the non-citizen population residing in the United States, the survey finds that 80 percent of them would accept U.S. citizenship if offeredan important preference given that Indian law forbids dual citizenship. Forty-seven percent of U.S.-born citizens report engaging in this activity, but 45 percent of foreign-born citizens and 41 percent of non-citizens did so as well. Foreign-born population by . While this does not necessarily mean that two-thirds of Indian Americans are disconnected from their community, it does suggest that formal participation is somewhat limited. Lawful immigrants made up the majority of the immigrant workforce, at 21.2 million. Another 4 percent were born in the United States to parents also born in the United States. Immigrants from Mexico (7%) and Central America (11%) were the least likely to have a bachelors or higher. A much higher share of U.S.-born citizens report attending a protest (18 percent) than either foreign-born citizens (8 percent) or non-citizens (4 percent). Brazil 16,746. To broaden the aperture, the survey asks about discrimination along several dimensions beyond country of origin: skin color, gender, religion, and caste. Milan Vaishnav is a senior fellow and director of the South Asia Program at the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace. Comments. In eight states, Canadian immigrants made up the second-largest group, and in four states, the second-most common country of origin was the Philippines. And to what extent are these differences being driven by political polarization in the country of origin (in this case, India)? She holds a PhD in political science from the University of Pennsylvania. Interestingly, respondents born in the United States report twice as much discrimination along gender and religious lines than those born outside of the United States. Fewer than one in ten respondents (9 percent) do not participate in any of these seven holidays. In many ways, the community is often portrayed as the poster child of Americas historic opening to new immigrants whoin ways big and smallhave transformed the country. According to IAAS data, 54 percent of respondents report belonging to the Hindu faith (see figure 6). the United States issues immigration visas to 2 . Indian Americans are the second-largest immigrant group in the United States. Read our research on: Congress | Economy | Black Americans. 30 For an overview of the debate over caste categories in Islam in South Asia, see Julien Levesque, Debates on Muslim Caste in North India and Pakistan: From Colonial Ethnography to Pasmanda Mobilization, Institut Francais de Pondichery and Centre de Sciences Humaines, June 1, 2020, Stay up to date with what you want to know. Asian immigrants collectively comprised 28%, FBI Accused of Covering Up Buried Treasure. The length of ones stay in the United States also plays an important role in shaping self-identification. Figure 19 displays the responses to this question, collapsing five response categories into three for ease of exposition. To what degree do Indian Americans engage with American politics, their civic community, and Indian culture? Country. Sumitra Badrinathan is a postdoctoral research fellow at the Reuters Institute for the Study of Journalism at Oxford University. This section reviews two aspects of the social context within which Indian Americans operate. One possibility is that the person or persons engaged in caste discrimination could be from another South Asian country, where caste might be a meaningful marker of status and hold greater salience.50 Another possibility is that respondents interpret caste discrimination as a stand-in for other forms of discriminationon the basis of skin color or country of origin, for example. This section reviews some basic characteristics of the social networks of Indian Americans. The most common activity is performing community service, something 20 percent of respondents engaged in, followed by working with others in their community (15 percent), attending a public meeting (13 percent), and attending a protest or demonstration (11 percent). Overall, there are 632 respondents in the IAAS sample who belong to the Hindu faith but only 293 who report identifying with a caste group. The overall margin of error for the IAAS is +/- 2.8 percent. Chinese Americans are the largest Asian origin group in the U.S., making up 24% of the Asian population, or 5.4 million people. To a certain extent, however, many of these factors are inseparable. From 2009 to 2020, immigrants of Asian descent outnumbered those of Hispanic descent in terms of race and ethnicity. There is some evidence to suggest that there are vintage effects: the longer a respondent has spent in the United States, the less emphasis they place on their Indian identityperhaps a reflection of their gradual integration into their adopted homeland. 1 (2015): 51104. In 2013, the House of Representatives had a single Indian . In all, 52 percent of Indians in America completed their education in the United States. Therefore, the sample size from which these percentages is derived is smalljust one-half of the overall IAAS sample. While the existence of caste discrimination in India is incontrovertible, its precise extent and intensity in the United States can be contested. 15 While this study reports sample sizes as raw totals, all analyses include sampling weights, meaning that the proportions and means discussed here are weighted, unless otherwise noted. Comments. The top 15 states also include several with large immigrant populations, such as Florida, Washington, Maryland, and Pennsylvania, where the foreign-born population grew faster than in the country overall. Around 21 percent express no opinion either way. In terms of educational attainment, 48 percent of Hindus with an undergraduate education profess a caste identify compared to 43 percent with less than a four-year college degree. Washington, DC 20036-2103. There is surprisingly little systematic data about the everyday social realities that Indian Americans experience. The US Census Bureau's American Community Survey asks millions of people every year detailed questions about their social, economic, and demographic situations. Some 27% of immigrants were permanent residents and 5% were temporary residents in 2017. This population includes naturalized citizens, lawful permanent residents (LPRs), certain legal nonimmigrants (e.g., persons on student or work visas), those admitted under refugee or asylee status, and persons illegally residing in the United States. My dad and mom told my brother and me that we came to America to be Americans. Further analysis shows that both age and duration of stay in the United States are important. YouGov maintains a proprietary, double opt-in survey panel comprised of 1.8 million U.S. residents who have agreed to participate in YouGovs surveys. To produce the final data set, respondents were matched to a sampling frame on gender, age, and education. Seventy-seven percent of foreign-born Indian Americans fall into this category, compared to just 40 percent of U.S.-born Indian Americans. Given the relatively small share of Christians in the Indian American community, this suggests that Christmas is celebrated more on cultural than religious grounds. In that sense, the currents coursing their way through the Indian diaspora are perhaps reflective not only of broader developments in American society but alsoand perhaps even to a greater extentthe turbulence afflicting India. This study relied on a nonrepresentative snowball sampling method to recruit respondents. These views, in turn, are further affected both by selection effects (who emigrates) and political dynamics in the country of settlement. Most of the nations unauthorized immigrant population lived in these top metro areas as well. What the data says about gun deaths in the U.S. Sign up to receive emails from Carnegies South Asia Program! Third, Christians are much more likely to report that hardly any or none of their Indian friends share their religion. This section explores how Indian Americans view the subject of their own identity. The survey asks respondents if they are a member of any Indian American organization or group, such as a cultural, regional, religious, caste, community, or school-based organization. The Asian population in the United States has nearly doubled since 2000, and Asians are projected to be the nation's largest immigrant group by the middle of the century, according to a new. Diwali and Holi are largely celebrated by Hindus, while very few non-Muslims commemorate Eid. (Hence, the percentages do not add up to 100.) However, the magnitude of the effect is modest. In 2018, roughly 11.2 million immigrants living in the U.S. were from there, accounting for 25% of all U.S. immigrants. 33 One might also expect variation based on a respondents age. Each year, more than 1 million immigrants enter the country. Only adult respondents (ages eighteen and above) who identified as Indian American or a person of (Asian) Indian origin were able to participate in the survey. Then, click on a state to get the top 15 origin countries of immigrants residing in that state. The number of apprehensions at the U.S.-Mexico border has doubled from fiscal 2018 to fiscal 2019, from 396,579 in fiscal 2018 to 851,508 in fiscal 2019. By the 1980s, Mexicans became the nation's largest immigrant group; by 2013, they were the largest immigrant group in 33 states. All refugees admitted in fiscal year 2019, 4,900 are Muslims ( 48 percent ) not. This group decreased by 2 million at Oxford University immigrants residing in that state both States are largest immigrant groups by state! The sample size from which these percentages is derived is smalljust one-half of the overall IAAS sample and,. 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