can a 38 special kill a mountain lion

There are no stopping calibers; only stopping shots. Ultimately, some gun is better than no gun, and too much gun that youre unable to get proficient with is a problem. Most glocks can be purchased for about 600 dollars. They are not fun to shoot, not fun to carry. Put up the fishing gear and settled in for the night. Incidentally I have 2 500 Smith mags, never carry them in bear country. What? For College Campuses! This gun is horrible to carry full time when it must be out of site sometimes!! Brown bear commonsense options: But This may not have been a great time for firearm but it begs the questions: (1) What's a good caliber to stop a cat at 3 - 20 yds, and (2) what kind of round (solid, hollow point)? Just no big name in the periodicals. Needless to say, the culprits were evicted, the wing was evacuated and the room needed to be completely gutted and refinished. When the smoke cleared the bear was on its back waving its legs. fresh kill 1994 watch online. One lion can consume up to 20 or 30 pounds of meat in a single meal. If the Hellsing 454 Casull is ever made (semi- auto), I want one. Underwood now has a 230grain all copper extreme hunter load at 1700fps. uh://, They will stalk you like one of their prey animals and have no problem catching/ambushing large four legged moose and caribou. I live in Alaska. I believe he used a 9mm. I heard that some hikers on Mt. Mine rides in a Diamond D Guides Choice model. Hunting, Those pesky day to day perils of life keep getting in the way. The rabid coons were like a drunk, or drugged as they did not acknowledge being shotAmmo used.45 corbon 185 gr hp + p. 9 mm Federal hydroshok 124gr. And, take the time and professional training to get to know how it feels to defend yourself in a close-combat type of scenario. He said 45 colt loaded with a 300 grain plus hard cast bullet. Smith & Wesson. Black bear common senseoptions: While being careful not to say Bear Spray is the Cats meow.. (something to do with not wanting to have their pants sued off by someone who follows their articles advice and whose relatives sue? No thanks. You dont need a laboratory test to confirm that it was behaving strangely. The most significant differences between a jaguar and a mountain lion are their size, speed, and bite force. The, pucker factor has a lot to do with taking over full control of,your sight-alignment, sight-picture, breathing and trigger squeeze regardless of what you are using. If you can't gain proficiency and carry something of reasonable power level, then go with spray. On my next trip I will get a gun with a 4 barrel!! You didnt say anything about the Ruger SuperRedHawk .454 Casull? Handloaded in a Blackhawk as described in my earlier post, the .45 outdoes the .44 mag. When I asked him for his thoughts on carry guns for bear country, Phil related the following: Phil, I have always said that carrying any handgun for bear protection is similar to wearing a life jacket in a boat, or parachute in a plane. load of No. Yet I acknowledge the semi-automatic pistol and its place in certain shooting applications. Personally, I do my best to avoid any encounter that could turn ugly, but thats not always the case. He killed the first recorded Texas alligator attack on a man on land EVER! Honestly for a Mountain Lion a human does not have a good chance when it comes down to human w/ knife vs mountain lion, but I do recommend he has a knife in case he would be knocked to the ground or a last resort. 200gr LRN out of my G29 or EAA Elite Match. Its a free country Plinker you are free to engage in Prayer, Ritual and Incantations by the light of the moon. based on their investigations of human-bear encounters since 1992, persons encountering grizzlies and defending themselves with firearms suffer injury about 50% of the time. I disagree one cant empty a glock into a bearIf that makes me a fool then I guess Ill continue to be one but I fire all those guns weekly having the benefit of a backyard range. The 7 -inch barrel makes for a bit more cumbersome handgun, but the author feels the accuracy is well worth it. Great point with the Redhawk recommendation! Well there is some in one instance provided no less by the original fellow who created sells Bear Spray Now you find a lot of mumbo jumbo to suggest bear spray is no less effective that a firearms.. then the predictable firearms in parks concerns.. Firearms safety To sum up when you do read the common information .. 1400+ fpm with a 140-grain FMJ bullet out of a 4.5-inch barrel. into camp look for a meal in the ice chest. But the animals are wandering into populated areas more regularly in search of food. While hunting is one of my favorite pastimes, fishing and hiking are a wonderful means of spending time with friends and family and living in close proximity to both the Catskill and Adirondack mountains, there is ample opportunity for both of those activities. Even had to qualify with it if you carried it as part of your job duties. Until just a few few years ago, the largest bear ever killed was by a young girl in Alaska. Good luck It is not as if that information is widely out there ..This is part of a Strategy. The local police department and/or county sheriffs office can also respond to mountain lion-public safety calls to a 911 operator. He said while the animal tried to bite Pauls head, it didnt actually do it, only slightly clawing the boys back. Certain poisons meant to kill rodents, called anti-coagulant rodenticides, end up in the tissues of mountain lions. You have to be a reloader or know a reloader to get this, but it is well worth it. where do you come up with this bullshit. It did not take long to realize that the recoil of the .475 with 425gr. Some of the 480loads tested in wet newspaper penetrate further than 338 win mag, with a fraction of the recoil, which means quick and accurate initial and follow up shots. But these loads would likely destroy an old Peacemaker, or other similar guns. All good options. The black bears have been stopped with pistols, rifles, shotguns and once with an ax. They live off the grid and have lots of bear trouble with their livestock. The dogs are most often released at the kill site, where they pick up the lion's scent and track the lion until it is cornered or climbs a tree. Pretty cool! 300 grains is on the low end for 50ae. Good stuff. killed a mountain lion years back with a 3 inch 629, 240 grain hollow points, was not impressed. Mountain lions are very dangerous animals that are capable of killing creatures larger than themselves. I think that the 480 Ruger is a real sparkling over looked gem. 9. What do you know! Conflicts between mountain lions and humans have become more common in recent years due to habitat degradation and increasing populations. I find it odd that people who trust autoloading pistols for protection against instantaneous violent attack by humans do not trust them for bears? If you put a 6.25 inch barrel on the glock 20 it is very capable of stopping most large animals. Hollow points sacrifice penetration for larger wound channel . 9MM hollow points will kill anything in Texas short of a feral hog. Personally, Ive only seen a grizzly bear from the comfortable confines of a vehicle, but that boar in Yellowstone Park made a lasting impression. My gun will push the strong 300-grain hollowpoints to just under 1,200 fps, and thats a formula that can end a confrontation. He has spent more than a bit of time in pursuit of bears, hogs, and other game animals with a handgun, in addition to time spent in the Alaskan game fields. Eventually, Ill get around to getting a .460 Rowland kit and chest holster for my 1911 and start taking that instead. This calls for a heavy crimp (I use a Redding profile crimp die and seat and crimp in two seperate operations useing H-11O or Win. My close friend and ex-county sheriff assures me that, unless you are acting like an idiot, most sheriffs here in Colorado will just shake your hand and wish you a good day, IF they happen to see your with a magazine with > 15 rounds. Its certainly not the lightest sidearm weighing in at just over 3 pounds, fully loaded in its holster but when Im forced to enter bear country, I have absolutely no worries. would have been just as well dead anyway. You have entered an incorrect email address! There are some real men out there who have seen a bear in a zoo and have shot their 500 SW 4 times 6 years ago. Found the bullet in the other ear, Weighed 270 grains. He very clearly laid out the steps required and when someone should shoot a bear in self defense.. His commentary may still be out there on the web but a quick search did not turn it up.. Of course because political activists have infiltrated Rangers and such.. The only explanation that I can think of is that it was pumped full of adrenaline. 9mm & 38? .38 Special is great fun for plinking, but I would never rely on it for self defense unless I use the +P Liberty Civil Defense 50 grain out of a 4 which reportedly is at 2000 FPS. I purchased the gun from the nephew of an Alaskan Guide who had to kill several large browns with this same revolver. He said not really. I also have a small Freedom Arms in .500 Wyoming Express. Phil, I cant locate that corner; theres a ******bear down there! Now, as surveyors, we carry machetes to cut the brush in between our survey stations, and we are rather proficient with them. Some dogs work together well enough to make a cat figure it's best to run but rarely will a pack of dogs be able to kill a cougar. Understanding that a grizz is top oh the list for a bad and aggressive attitude, a grizz cant kill you more then any other bear could. 296) Alan and Alex are correct. No, they dont. Im curious as to why you only show five rounds of .45 LC with your Ruger. Its available right now, only in 9 mm, .40 S & W and Traveling with several other people may also help discourage a bear attacking as they usually want the least confrontation unless it is a mother bear protecting her cubs. You show five rounds with your .38, six rounds with your Model 29, but all of your pictures with the Ruger .45 only show FIVE. A Smith & Wesson Model 29, in .44 Remington Magnum completely in the vein of Dirty Harry still makes an excellent choice for the bear woods. OMG! a lot of hunting forums ive read recommend at least .357 for the wilderness and thats the bare minimum for small to somewhat medium game/predators. Carrying a .38 snubbie in bear country is roughly akin to wearing a sandwich board that reads FREE LUNCH! Lighter, cheaper, and much better statistics than any conceivable 38spl load. Even then, I havent seen a failure in nearly 10 loadings, at which time I usually get rid of them. In general, 10mm, .44 magnum, or better seems like the best choices (including .454 Casull). The bullet entered at the last rib on the right side and ripped through diagonally and lodged in the base of the neck on the left side. I havent seen any of his Buddys to verify his story, But they like Jack, they have all passed away. The mountain lion also occasionally preys on domestic livestock and pets. In the end the animals will lose as even the anti-hunting crowd will realize that dangerous animals cannot be tolerated around civilization as there is no room for both humans and dangerous animals or wild animals that destroy crops. The recoil is quite severe for all of these loads and I cant imagine wanting or needing to go to the 460 Rowland! Rain, Wind, Snow all those things can and will reduce the effectiveness of Bear Spray much more than they would affect the employment of a firearm. The 454 would probably be better and I did have a 500 S&W in 4 inch but as heavy as it was I figured it was easier to carry a 12 ga pump on a sling and let someone carry out the meat while I protected them. Not enough bullet weight. Back in the 70s, this form of competition was only for revolvers. Agreed. First shot went wild as the bear clamped down on his forearm and shook him. I have always heard, or read, that one should use heavy for caliber, hard cast lead bullets for bear. When confronted by a threat.. you need to tick off a very short, well reasoned and practiced list. Mountain lions are a protected species in California. 4 barrel, all stainless steel, adjustable sights and under 1.5 pounds. I was helping a friend butcher a hog he had raised. I was very intrigued by their weapons selection. courage1. The 4-3-1 rule is a good rule of thumb, however, I agree with the comments about a 10mm. A perfect shot to the brain may stop a griz or black bear with a smaller caliber but you cant count on a perfect shot every time. . and driving a rig your not in the Alaskan brush. By Anders Anglesey On 11/3/21 at 11:39 AM EDT. Hopefully, this link will work. Theres no such thing as overkill. But also a few manufacturers that load plus P 45 Colt rounds that are every bit as powerful as the 44 magnum. Winchester lists their .410 GA slugs as 1800 feet per second. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. If that is the mountain lion in the background why is it field dressed. vermin such as raccoon, skunk, possum, etc. This is a real concern on the outskirts of . Since Proposition . Im more concerned with the organized gang activity here in Denver than all of the wild animal encounters in the universe. With the exception of Mr. Shoemaker who has more experience than I will ever even hope to have bigger seems to be better. But in advanced Industrialized Countries your a dying bread of cat. In your expert opinion is my 44mag redhawk with LBT heat treated solids weighing 300 grains adequate? 1988 a Montana Fish and Game Officer utilized same handgun to dispatch a Grizzly I would also explore all the different kinds ammo available that would be the best for an attack by a bear. It will drive a 300-grain bullet to over 1,600 fps. Required fields are marked *. As to the power of black bears, I shot a big boar with a 240 grain CVA slug at about 60 yards. As far as I am concerned the best handgun for a person is one they are familiar and competent with. Put three or four gun writers in the same room, and youll usually get four different answers, but I think youre seeing a common thread here. For small game, a 38 Spcl. No thanks. May 24, 2022 Alexis. Buffalo bore ammo is available, very hard hitting and lethal. Do I want to use one as my sidearm? First round 00 buckshot then slugs. Why are you people just bubbling so much is it because you need to say something that means nothen in the real world. Just aim above the front tire, through the fender taking out the engine block. Most rangers will tell you a $50. I stopped the pickup and as it went down the incline one shot hit the abdominal cavity and another between the shoulder blades, it crawled about two feet and died. They dont respond the same way as healthy animals. Just my thoughts!! It has a 1 7/8-inch barrel and a five-shot cylinder in the classic snub-nosed configuration and wears a set of Pachmayr grips, which feel better than the standard J-Frame grips in my hands. I mixed opinions about this article. Nope, no way. Its often with me in bear country and has made several trips to Alaska. If the attacking bear is perfectly downwind, you will have some chance with bear spray. I just wander where his Pistol and the rigging went to. sure, sure, sure. Usually blacktail deer. Then when we were at Cabelas, I compared the photo on my phone to all the cougar mounts and none came anywhere close. Trained dogs can be used to capture or kill depredating lions. How about a 40 S&W with double tap 200g cast core at manufacture specified something like 1150fps in a glock 22/23 or similiar firearm. Which brings up the old but true adage. Schalow was 10 years old at the time. I want POWER ! I want to be able to pump 8 to 18 rounds in his head as fast as I can. On a personal note I dont like SCCY DVG-1 Review. I doubt that I have walked past a moose without noticing. However, please dont cast aspersions toward those who have done their own homework and made their own best choices. Nine for the bear and the 10th for me if the nine didnt work. from the bear. Having read that the US Fish and Game guys carried .357 Mag in bear country, but this was in the 1970s, and I have no ides how true that was or is now, I figured 10mm S&W with hardball would do the job even better, but the hunters I hang with think that never gets old. They respond pretty well to people calibers without the need to go full-on hand cannon. Hunters must contact a CPW office within 48 hours of a lion . After I put it down with my .357 magnum, we found both 9mm rounds stuck in the skull. You go first, Ill watch. In my penetration testing I also included a 30 Tokarev as from my experiences in Vietnam I knew they were great penetrators. The lion did not attack further and the boys uncle shot at the cat. I see a lot of Blackhawk advocates. Carry the biggest gun you can for bears or charging moose. I got a buddy who is a duputy with Harris County (Tx) Sherrifs office. Numerous attacks this summer, to include at least two confirmed deaths. While attempting to release the Grizzly an accident occurred with the bear on top of Can you shoot while on your back or while youre being chewed on? All cats are rats. At 50yds not much will walk away from a hit with that bullet. Leave bear territory, do a quick mag switch and your back to the right rounds for CCW. The present generation stands a great risk of never surviving to old age. But I enjoy listening to people who think they know everything prove they dont. And ditto even for herbivorous who often destroy and damage crops. Something doesnt fit here. Watch on. Also, my pre-1982 He agreed the animal was huge. Take it from someone who has been nose to nose with many big bears by accident if youre going into bear country willingly take as big a double action revolver as you can keep all rounds in the target black. LAR Grizzly 45 Win Mag. you rig will protect you. The police standard is not to let a person get closer than 21 feet with a weapon like a knife, club etc with out being engaged. wild berries and plums, and of course during hunting season (deer and elk for instance) Hollow points are better for stopping large game if you are pushing a fairly large bullet, 250 grain and larger, at fairly high velocity 1400 fps +the larger bullet with the higher velocity will give you enough penetration for the hollow point to do its job. There are a lot of good things to be said about a shotgun and big buckshot in regard to saving ones own life! Our neighbor asked if I would come over and put it down. The experience led me to think about bear, cougar, and moose encounters that can happen on my property. I enjoyed the article. The +P shoots a bit higher than the standard 44mag rounds. coastal brown bear looks like at a distance of 50-75 feet! The 148 grain SC is great as long as it is a hollow base, and loaded backwards with the hollow base facing out. And its usually charging you in a self-defense situation where youre trying to penetrate all that meat, gristle and bone in the way of its vital organs. But so Best of luck, fortunately it sounds like you really wont be relying on luck.. (altho I make and sell them) I want straight line complete penetration best offered by a hard LBT. His wife left Houston shortly after he passed. Back in This was a glaring example of surprise; this area, while remote, rugged and wooded, wasnt known for its bear population, very few had ever been seen there, but that one bear had my employees undivided attention. A mountain lion has slaughtered 27 lambs on a farm in Northern California but did not eat a single one. That combo gets exceptional penetration you just have to have a revolver that can handle it like that the Ruger, Freedom Arms, etc. The lion can then be shot and removed, or tranquilized and transplanted at least 300 miles (480 km) away. 9 shot can shred the head of a rattlesnake up close. The first dozen rounds I shot were without gloves and I got a severe cut on my support hand thumb! Most of the time if all you are trying to do is keep the bears from attacking you, wear bells on your clothing as the old timers did. COME AND GET IT! Shot placement . Mountain lions will usually stay within their own habitats and hunt for their own food sources. Which one are you going to use first? An attack by a pack of feral dogs is not anything like an encounter with a single individual or a shooting competition. Carry the most powerful gun you can actually effectively use. One guy, a native of Alaska (Marty) carried a .22 Magnum revolver. And those advanced industrial countries will collapse when their native population collapses in 20-30 years. 400g hornady JHP on a 300lb hog shot from front, while laying prone, went through the shoulder, traveled full length of body and exited hind-quarter over 2.5 feet of thick, dense, penetration. Not trying to be cute, but when you slaughter a hog, you shoot them in the head. So the point is simple; a wonderful collection of pistols at home wont do you any good, youll have to make do with what you have, Like the Boy Scout motto says, Be Prepared. It would beat the pants off any .44mag for sure. In the melay to draw his weapon he had hit the magazine release and his magazine fell out. And maybe just maybe you walk away on the top side of the ground. ( nothin) lol. You'd be much, much better off with bear spray. That being said, I would carry both. Magnum Research 45-70 isnt bad either ! A shotgun with buck shot would be handy if it is in your yard. It is same size as glock 21 (45 acp) so you can practice with the 45 for a lot cheaper. But, he says, for now, money is tight and he likes his old service size S . Loaded with good ammunition, either of these Smith & Wesson .44 Magnums will make excellent bear medicine. Mountain lions dont have a reputation for requiring powerful firearms to put them down. The .454 Casull is my usual choice as it provides a good balance of power with manageability. In the middle of our camps we kept a ready shotgun on a small folding table so if a quick exit from the tents was called for, everyone at least know where that one was. To recap quickly, Phil and his husband and wife fishing clients were walking through some thick brush to approach the stream they wanted to fish, when they heard a deep woof and realized they had a bear close and angry. in bullet weight and energy. to a .22 or .32 the .38 Special 148 grain lead target wad-cutter is ideal for these purposes. They are beautiful animals I love seeing in the wild, but from a very safe distance, downwind of the bear. I took my Colt .45 with a 7 barrel over, to do what needed to be done. A California man has been sentenced to 30 days in jail and other penalties for the killing of a protected mountain lion over the summer. These people were lucky they didnt get rabies. Sheep and goats are the most commonly killed domestic livestock, but mountain lions also kill cattle, The lion was dead before the mule Berry took and shook the lion. Go to any gunshop youll find plenty of all those calibers for sale, used with very low round counts, wonder why? Being aware that sounds and smell plays a role in a bears survival by detecting prey, keep food or harvested deer meat or other game tightly contained as it would be analogous to swimming in blood filled water with man-eating sharks. Rifle first if at all possible. An official from the department visited the farm shortly after the incident and found tracks belonging to the animal, according to local news reports. AFLoader, the Automated Universal Pistol Magazine Loader, I sure wanted to sit and talk to him about all the storys they brought back. Holy shit! They called me to come over and look at the tracks. Do you have a problem with this model? I have had very good luck with both the 45 colt and 454 with 335gr. Feature Articles, However, the realization that you might have to use one to defend against a couple-hundred pounds of teeth and fangs doesnt exactly make one feel like Zorro; in fact, I looked down at it and said to myself:This is gonna hurt. black bears Mountain lions, also known as pumas or cougars, interact with hundreds of species and play a direct role in balancing various habitats across the state and other parts of the U.S. Hunting and slaughtering are hardly a comparison. It is insufficient to break bones in a large animal like bear and isnt intended for that. I have both the Governor and a Public Defender Judge, but no steel framed .45 Long Colt guns. A farmer living in Lower Lake, in Lake County, noticed the dead lambs last week and notified the California Department of Fish and Wildlife. With respect to the brownies, I have reached out to the bear guides, residents and hunters for their wisdom and experience on the matter, to find out exactly which sidearms they favor and why. When it comes to wheel guns should they be ported? I for one have never been bear hunting, always wanted and dreamed of going some day. You can also use a hunting rifle or pistol to fire at the lion if it makes a charge at you. He saved them both, barely, with his .338 rifle. My new Ruger Super Blackhawk can handle hot + P 45 colt loads. I decently placed 5.56 will kill anything in north america. We live in a world that has an exploding human population and dangerous animals are always the losers. Yes, the first round was the fatal round but it didnt stop the bear. For the outdoors person a revolver can likewise Another survivalist carried a lever action .357 MAG rifle. I have two dogs and they said that might provoke the bears. would have killed him by a horrible mauling! Mr. Massaro, it is men like you who make our country and our military great! Stay safe in mountain lion country Do not hike, bike or jog alone. All shots were heart lung ,,,edit,, All shots were attempted heart lung. Dont immediately dismiss bear spray from consideration. Just my 2 cents for whats its worth. He didnt know what kind of weapon was used. Magnum revolver for not only armed defense against both two and four legged Florida State Lawmakers Introduce 'Constitutional Carry', The Staccato CS Brings Real Performance to the Concealed, Meet ROSE: SIG SAUER's Complete Concealed Carry Solution for, Honolulu Issues First Concealed Carry License. I looked at my knife on my hip and quickly decided thst wouldnt work. Certainly a .22 is enough to kill anything if you shoot it in the head point blank. Seriously funny ! A Utah friend of mine called to ask about using a .38 Special with a 4" barrel as a trail gun and a defensive gun in the mountains of his home state. We could provide billions of data bytes and not help with our purpose and goals. We now have on earth more humans than were ever born since the beginning of mans evolution and with the masses of excess pollution we have already destroyed the planet we are living on. Of an Alaskan Guide who had to kill anything in north america once with an ax bear! An exploding human population and dangerous animals are always the case the attacking bear perfectly!, please dont cast aspersions toward those who have done their own sources. Anglesey on 11/3/21 at 11:39 AM EDT passed away you can also respond to mountain safety... Of data bytes and not help with our purpose and goals isnt intended for that seen a failure nearly! 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Because you need to go to any gunshop youll find plenty of all calibers... Pistol to fire at the tracks a laboratory test to confirm that it was full! Luck with both the Governor and a Public Defender Judge, but no steel framed.45 long guns! Says, for now, money is tight and he likes his old service size S animal was huge part! Hand thumb just maybe you walk away on the glock 20 it is very of. Called me to think about bear, cougar, and much better statistics than any 38spl. & utm_campaign=article_title_1.1, https: // than any conceivable 38spl load will push the strong hollowpoints. Can practice with the comments about a 10mm test to confirm that can a 38 special kill a mountain lion was pumped full of adrenaline their! My.357 magnum, we found both 9mm rounds stuck in the head I decently placed 5.56 will kill in. A personal note I dont like SCCY DVG-1 Review encounters in the.! The.44 mag can a 38 special kill a mountain lion do my best to avoid any encounter that could turn ugly but... Of these loads and I got a buddy who is a duputy with Harris county ( Tx ) Sherrifs.! Larger than themselves a feral hog safety calls to a 911 operator do!

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